Membranbälge Edge Welded Bellows
Mewasa AG is a customer-oriented company located in the Sarganserland region of Switzerland with over 25 years of experience in developing and manufacturing of complex edge welded bellows and vacuum parts. Optimal system integration under the highest quality standards connected with environmental and economic aspects is the main focus of Mewasa AG for superior performance.
Company Description
1996 Founding of the company with headquarters in Mels, a village in St. Galleroberland in Eastern Switzerland. The name MEWASA is made up of the three neighboring villages MEls, WAngs and SArgans 2000 In house construction, engineering and administration 2007 Relocation to Wangs with production and office space of 1600m2 2016 Enlargement of the production area by 500m2 2018 Enlargement of the production area by another 500m2
Membranbälge Edge Welded Bellows
Mewasa AG is a customer-oriented company located in the Sarganserland region of Switzerland with over 25 years of experience in developing and manufacturing of complex edge welded bellows and vacuum parts. Optimal system integration under the highest quality standards connected with environmental and economic aspects is the main focus of Mewasa AG for superior performance.
Company Description
1996 Founding of the company with headquarters in Mels, a village in St. Galleroberland in Eastern Switzerland. The name MEWASA is made up of the three neighboring villages MEls, WAngs and SArgans 2000 In house construction, engineering and administration 2007 Relocation to Wangs with production and office space of 1600m2 2016 Enlargement of the production area by 500m2 2018 Enlargement of the production area by another 500m2